“Your chance of winning Bunco is 1:12. In the U.S., the chance of a woman being diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in her lifetime is about 1 in 8.”
(source of statistic: The American Cancer Society)

Organize an Event

There are so many different ways to raise funds when you host a Bunco for Breast Cancer event.

Whether you want to organize an intimate party for friends and family or a community-wide extravaganza, you’ll find helpful information in this section of our Web site. 

This includes Frequently Asked Questions as well as as sample invitations and scorecards you can download, e-mail or print for your use. To include our logo on your own materials simply read our logo usage guidelines.

Tips for organizing an intimate event

  • ask each player to donate an extra $10 for each person they know with breast cancer
  • double your typical bunco pot
  • make every player who admits to not performing self-exams put an extra $5 in the pot

Tips for organizing a larger, community-wide event

  • hold a silent auction with items and services donated by players and local merchants.
  • find a local merchant to donate an item as a grand raffle prize.
  • coordinate with your company’s (or your spouse’s company’s) matching donation program to double your donation.


Browse The Breast Cancer Research Foundation's event calendars to see upcoming  Bunco for Breast Cancer events.

© 2011 Bunco For Breast Cancer
The Bunco For Breast Cancer name, logo and tagline, Roll the Dice, Beat the Odds, are registered marks of The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and may not be used without permission or to benefit any other breast cancer organization.